Movie Buffs

Like movies? Me too. Let's talk about 'em a lot.
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  • Todd Bradley

    I have several suggestions for samurai flicks that are significant parts of film history.First is "The Seven Samurai" which was remade as a Western called "The Magnificant Seven" with Yul Brenner. is "The Hidden Fortress" which was later remade as a little sci-fi movie called "Star Wars"., there's "Yojimbo" which was remade as one of the seminal spaghetti westerns, "Fistful of Dollars" starring Clint Eastwood. astute viewer will notice that the same director made all three samurai films.
  • Todd Bradley

    It appears that the commenting system on MyTown is raping the formatting of my comments by removing all new lines. Do you know how to stop that?
  • Tracy Cravens

    I am truly a fan a big Epic movies, old or new. Gone with the Wind to Star Wars.