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Comment on a news posting
It’s as easy as scrolling to the end of the posting, typing your reply and clicking “Add Your Post.”
Begin a fresh news posting
Click on “Start Discussion” – you can find this button at the end of the “Towns” block on the main page or at the top of any news posting.
Once you’ve clicked on “Start Discussion,” you’ll be filling out a relatively simple form. Just choose a title for your news and then type (or copy and paste) your news article, adding a photo if you wish.
To add a photo
Click on the blue and green button to the right of “Post:” and browse to upload an image.
Using the drop down menu under “Category,” choose the appropriate town. Tags are used for searches later on, so be exhaustive: use names of the events, people and organizations involved.
If you have additional attachments, such as registration forms or photo galleries, you can link them using the “Attach Files” section of the form.
Once the form is completed, click “Start Discussion.” Your news should post in under a minute!
Editing your news post
Just click on the discussion from anywhere and a box entitled “Admin Options” will pop up. You’ll have the option of editing, closing or deleting the discussion from there and changes will post within minutes.

Views: 3818

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