Kathy McConnell-Miller, coach of the CU-Boulder women's basketball team, is looking for chemistry, she told the Boulder Rotary Club in a December 4 talk.

“It’s a good team, but it doesn’t yet have the chemistry it should,” she said.

Coaches use “chemistry" as the one-word shorthand for the mysterious connection among the players on a team that has matured. The team works as a whole, not as a collection of talented individuals. That happens with athletic teams and it happens among members of other teams – clubs, businesses, families.

And Coach K-Mac, who is married and a mother of three, is working on having chemistry happen to her team this season as it does with her family members in handling their varied schedules.

McConnell-Miller spent little time talking about the Xs and Os of basketball. She focused on the responsibility of the University and its coaching staff to build character and scholarship in each member of her team.

“There’s more to life than basketball,” she said. “When our players receive a degree, they will go out and represent our university to the world."

She said the team has a rule for its “fifteen beautiful young women.”

“If it’s not true, or helpful, or inspiring, or necessary, don’t say it,” she tells them. “Test yourself by asking, ‘How can I be a better team member, friend, sister to my teammates?’”

There are some lighter moments on the team, too, she said, noting a recent New York Times story about the fact her roster includes players named Brittany Spears and Whitney Houston.

Coach K-Mac’s team is doing well this year, 6-1 at this writing, and she’s proud that in her five years here she has strengthened in-state recruiting – she notes that four key players on the team are from Colorado.

Of course, things could be better – especially attendance at the games.

“Come and see our fine young women play,” she said. “If you let me know, the first game you come to is on me. After that, you won’t be able to stay away.”

See cubuffs.com for more information on the basketball team and schedule.

For more information on Rotary, see www.boulderrotary.org or www.rotary.org.

5390 Manhattan Circle, Suite 101 Boulder, Colorado, 80303
303-554-7074 Rotary@roycearbour.com
Fax 720-304-3255 www.BoulderRotary.org

Contact: Sue Deans, 303-579-9580

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