Please join us for the "Friends of Becky Peterson" Memorial Golf Tournament to benefit the Rebecca Peterson Culinary Memorial Scholarship on September 12, 2009.
We will have a great day of golf at the beautiful Eagle Trace Golf Club in Broomfield, CO "" The event will include 18 holes of golf, cart, range balls, with a steak dinner and awards ceremony immediately following the tournament.
Check in and range balls begin at 10:30 AM
Tournament will be a 4-person scramble. If you do not have a foursome, you will be paired up.
Registration deadline is August 31st. You can register online @ or call Terri Peterson @ 720-887-3709.
Featured events for the day will include:
Closest to the Pin Contest, Longest Drive Contest(mens & Womens), Mulligans, Player gifts, Prizes and Awards, Raffle, Volunteer Gifts, and much more!