Humanity's Team, and Humanity's Team Colorado are hosting a Medicine Wheel for Children.

August 21 Medicine Wheel for Children, their parents, and extended family on the largest Medicine Wheel in North America The Golden Age Mine, located near Jamestown Colorado. Michelle Many has volunteered her time to support Humanity's Team. Please join us in this free event.
Description of the Medicine Wheel: Medicine wheels, or sacred hoops, were constructed by laying stones in a particular pattern on the ground. Most medicine wheels follow the basic pattern of having a center of stone(s), and surrounding that is an outer ring of stones with "spokes", or lines of rocks radiating from the center. Some ancient types of sacred architecture were built by laying stones on the surface of the ground in particular patterns common to aboriginal peoples. Originally, and still today, medicine wheels are stone structures constructed by certain indigenous peoples of North America for various astronomical, ritual, healing, and teaching purposes. Medicine wheels are still 'opened' or inaugurated in Native American spirituality where they are more often referred to as "sacred hoops", which is the favoured English rendering by some. There are various native words to describe the ancient forms and types of rock alignments. One teaching involves the description of the four directions. More recently, syncretic, hybridized uses of medicine wheels, magic circles, and mandala sacred technology are employed in New Age, Wiccan, Pagan and other spiritual discourse throughout the World. The rite of the sacred hoop and medicine wheel differed and differs amongst indigenous traditions, as it now does between non-indigenous peoples, and between traditional and modernist variations. The essential nature of the rite common to these divergent traditions deserves further anthropological exploration as does an exegesis of their valence. Michelle is of Chippewa descent from the Turtle Mountain Clan in North Dakota. She brings to us her knowledge of the Native American Medicine Wheel and how we can utilize it's messages to help us in our daily lives as we "walk the good red road". At this beautiful Native American Ceremony you and your child will experience a true understanding of the Native American Prayer Wheel and the wonderful healing medicine that it brings. We will be learning about the four directions and their spirit keepers, the crystals and animals associated with each position as well as the 12 moon totems and the spirit pathways to the Creator. 
We all pray to Creator no matter religion we are. We come together at this ceremony to drum, sing and open our hearts to the magic of the ancestral worlds of the Native American's through this beautiful prayer wheel ceremony. Bring your drums and rattles. Receive a Native American Blessing. Open your hearts to the land and the four leggeds, the wind, and water people, the stone and tree people. Experience a reverence for our Mother the Earth who provides us with all that we need to survive. Hear stories from the Star Maiden's and the Star Boys. Feel yourself transform with the love that is true healing medicine at the heart of our wheel. Michelle is a holistic practitioner, hypnotherapist, emotional counselor and retreat facilitator. She is quite well versed in the Native American healing arts. Michelle is also a published author. Her current publication, "The Planetary Meditations" is composed of three cd's of guided imagery meditations that are filled with lush imagery that transports the listeners to the planets in our solar system where both physical and emotional healing can take place at the subconscious level through positive suggestions for change that are woven through the stories. The stories are set to light classical and smooth jazz music done by a Grammy award winning musician. Michelle has infused the music with her smooth voice, sweet songs and actual planetary frequencies that provide vibrational healing at all levels. The full color workbook includes healing questions with each meditation for even deeper levels of healing. Bring a potluck dish for everyone to share. Donations will be accepted but are not mandatory. You will also have a chance to purchase Michelle's wonderful three cd and full color bookset, "The Planetary Meditations". For more information about Michelle Many or to bring her to your group please visit: We will have two Wheel Ceremonies, One from 10 am to 1 pm with a two hour lunch break that includes a half hour book signing at the beginning of the lunch break and another book signing at the end of the second wheel. 10 am to 1 pm -- First Medicine Wheel1 pm to 1:30 pm -- Book Signing1:30 pm to 3 pm -- Lunch Break3 pm to 6 pm -- Second Medicine Wheel6 pm to 6:30 pm -- Book Signing Michelle ManyHolistic Mountain970-827-5622 new business number970-949-7458PO Box 64Red Cliff, CO
The space is limited to 20 people per wheel so please email to reserve your space.

Holistic Mountain Home Page
Michelle Many, Holistic Practitioner, Hypnotherapist,Acutonic Sound Healer, Author of "The Planetary Meditations" three cd and book set. She is now offering her healing techniques in an integrated way in her handbook to a better life through living at a higher frequency with, "The Planetary Meditati...
20 hours
Michelle Many, Holistic Practitioner, Hypnotherapist,Acutonic Sound Healer, Author of "The Planetary Meditations" three cd and book set. She is now offering her healing techniques in an integrated way in her handbook to a better life through living at a higher frequency with, "The Planetary Meditati...

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