Just as I join "My Town Colorado" and begin to take part in community camaraderie, I find myself in a situation of having promised to move back to Dallas as part of a promotion package. Now the question is, "What to do?"  The promotion was definitely one I could not pass up, and will be an excellent career stepping stone.  But the prospect of moving back to Dallas after almost 15 years in Colorado does not really appeal to me.  That has been highlighted over the past two months as I relocated to an apartment in Dallas, and got to personally experience the almost record-breaking streak of 100+ degree days. This weekend when I came back to my house, it was 100 degrees when I left Dallas and 80 degrees when I landed in Denver.  Only 20 degrees different during the day - not bad.  But when I got up this morning and it was a brisk and beautiful 49 degrees for my morning walk, I checked to see what the temperature would have been for a morning walk in Dallas.  It was 89 degrees. And that reminded me of one of the thingsI love most about fall in Colorado: it gets nicely warm during the day, but cools to a beautiful and relaxing temperature at night.

So I think that the answer for now is to continue to come home to Denver on the weekend when I can (and hope that the weeds haven't grown into a jungle again), and keep the apartment and job in Dallas until I can identify a good career move back to Denver.

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