2021 continues to be an “exceptional” year, in just about every conceivable way.

From elections to epidemics, we’ve seen events and situations during this calendar year most of us have not seen in our lifetimes… and that most never expected to see.

While it might be foolish not to acknowledge the unusual aspects of 2021, it’s important not to “give up” on the notion of normalcy in every part of our lives.

Your family medical practitioners want you and your family to live as healthy and happy a life as you can. 

This means, of course, exercising the right amount of caution (without an overabundance of fear) with regard to some of the exceptional aspects of 2021 – such as the COVID-19 pandemic and our society’s reaction to it.

But it also means maintaining a consistent approach to the regular habits that keep your family healthy and living a life of high vitality.

Making sure to maintain your exercise routine… getting enough sleep… drinking enough water… taking your vitamins and being vigilant with personal hygiene… these are all important habits for the whole family.

And, with the holidays (and their traditional feasts) approaching, it’s worth taking a renewed look at your nutritional needs, and those of the rest of the family.

Are You Getting Too Much Junk… And Not Enough Energy?

Without a doubt, it’s been a stressful few months.  And when stress is high, some people and families tend to over-rely on the convenience of fast food and “junk” snacks when hunger pangs arise.

Alcoholism and other addictions are on the rise, too, as people attempt to “self-medicate” through the most stressful times.

Overeating is also more prevalent today.  You’ve heard the old expression about “eating your feelings” – it’s a real problem during times of high stress.

Unfortunately, these problems tend to compound as the stress stretches out over time.  For instance, studies have shown that snacks high in processed carbohydrates tend to create cravings for themselves.  Remember the “No one can eat just one” ads for a national brand of potato chips?

One drink too often leads to another… and when the family seems to enjoy a fast-food meal and the stress seems to diminish, it’s easy to make visiting the drive-through part of the family routine, rather than an exceptional event.

But when you fall into a pattern of poor nutrition, it’s often hard to find your way back to the good stuff.

Your Family Doctors Have Some Suggestions

Here are a few ideas to help you battle your way back to a “normal,” healthy diet for yourself and the family:

  • Try fasting.  If you can endure a water fast for even one day, the cleansing effects can be significant, and some of those cravings will diminish.  Many people report that the first few hours of fasting are difficult, but that the next morning, they wake with better energy and less desire for junk food or alcohol.  And if you can go two or three days, you might surprise yourself with how much good you can do for your body.

  • Put yourself on a quota.  If you find it too difficult to cut out a favorite food or drink completely, try establishing a limit and sticking to it.  Some people find “trade-outs” effective, allowing themselves a “treat” as long as it’s accompanied by something healthy: a full glass of water for every glass of wine; a serving of vegetables for every salty or sugary snack.

  • Keep a journal.  Many patients report that they had no idea how far they’d gone “off track” until they wrote down everything they ate or drank… often, patients have a hard time believing what (and how much) they’re actually consuming until they review a well-kept journal.

  • Take junk food off the shopping list.  It can be powerful to run out of junky treats, and be left with nothing but healthy, nutritious food when the munchies strike!

  • Supplement your diet.  You can go overboard with supplements and vitamin pills… but until you’re able to get back on track with a healthy diet, it’s not a bad idea to take at least one good multi-vitamin, and to make that a disciplined part of your daily routine.

Call your family clinic for more great ideas.  Your personal family medical practitioners not only know what’s generally good in terms of health practices… they know you, they know your family, and they probably know what will work best for you specifically.  They want you to stay healthy, and that means keeping you and your family well (and properly) fed.

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