The truth is, if we are thin, it does not mean that we ahieve total health. After I read the whole statement, I thought that it is impossible to achieve physical, mental and social well-being at the same time, so every single human on earth is unhealthy. In my mind, this is not achievable, this is "bullshit".

Large number of people today think that I'm able to eat, sleep and work, therefore, I am very healthy and grateful! Lots of peole think in that way?

After a while, I finally get to know the statement above is achievable because physical, menal health and social well being are totally related to each other. How can all these be related? Lets imagine now that our physical body suffer from illnesses. When we are suffer from sickness, Imagine when our body suffer from all the pain, will we be able to control our emotion when things not going our way? The answer is no. And when our body is suffer, our mental suffer. When our mental suffer, we will be able to achieve social well being.

Imagine now our body is healthy, we feel great all the time, therefore we have good mental and with good body health and mental health, we automatically achieve social well-being.

-- Justin --
natural care anxiety relief

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