January 2009 Blog Posts (15)

Barbara The Barber Now on the outskirts of town.

Having been on the Boulder mall since it's inception, I have now moved to the southwest corner of longmont. Easily accessed off of the diagonal (hwy119) and Airport Road.

I loved being in Boulder but after so many years it is so nice to be east of Boulder. Gorgeous views and still the same everlasting haircuts. Yes, people say they last and last. Very worth the $45.00 that they cost.

What to expect when you visit Barbara the Barber is the same good service. Scalp massage, shampoo,… Continue

Added by Barbara The Barber on January 29, 2009 at 12:13pm — 1 Comment

Barbara The Barber Now on the outskirts of town.

Having been on the Boulder mall since it's inception, I have now moved to the southwest corner of longmont. Easily accessed off of the diagonal (hwy119) and Airport Road.

I loved being in Boulder but after so many years it is so nice to be east of Boulder. Gorgeous views and still the same everlasting haircuts. Yes, people say they last and last. Very worth the $45.00 that they cost.

What to expect when you visit Barbara the Barber is the same good service. Scalp massage, shampoo,… Continue

Added by Barbara The Barber on January 29, 2009 at 12:13pm — 1 Comment

Alliance for Sustainable Colorado Convenes 5th Annual Sustainable Business Legislative Briefing

A record number of attendees packed the Old Supreme Court Chambers today for the 5th Annual Sustainable Business Legislative Briefing at the State Capitol.

Organized by Alliance for Sustainable Colorado’s CASBA program (Colorado Alliance of Sustainable Business Associations), the briefing and policy discussion drew more than 150 business and non-profit representatives and state legislators. The speakers and topics focused on strategies for continuing the growth of Colorado’s New… Continue

Added by Erik Keith on January 28, 2009 at 9:23am — No Comments

Youth Vocal Competition

The Longmont Chorale's 11th Youth Vocal Competition Applications must be recieved by Feb. 6, 2009 Competition to be held on Feb. 21, 2009 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Longmont Competition open to all vocalists in 6th-12th grades. Monetary awards to be given. For more details, invitations and applications go to http://www.longmontchorale.org/ Winners will perform at the March 7, 2009 concert fo the Longmont Chorale, "Chorale Masterpieces of… Continue

Added by Tracy Cravens on January 26, 2009 at 3:46pm — No Comments

GriefShare, local grief recovery support begins Feb. 2nd

GriefShare, a local grief recovery support groups, begins Monday, February 2 at 7 p.m. at the Northwest Church of Christ, 5255 W. 98th Ave. Westminster, Colorado 80020.

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of lifeʼs most difficult experiences. You donʼt have to go through the grieving process alone.

GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. Youʼll gain access… Continue

Added by Rebekah SunderRaj on January 20, 2009 at 2:51pm — 1 Comment

Rebekah Arth rehearsing Danse Etoile ballet new piece The Black Eagle to be performed March 6, 7 and 8 at the Dairy Center in Boulder

The music is from French singer Barbara and tells the story of a young girl dreaming of a black eagle....

Added by Danse Etoile Ballet on January 18, 2009 at 7:48pm — No Comments

Alliance for Sustainable Colorado Names New Executive Director

Alliance for Sustainable Colorado (www.sustainablecolorado.org), a non-profit organization dedicated to unifying the sustainability movement in Colorado, has named Joanne Keys as its new executive director.

“With both a passion for the environment and a proven ability to lead dynamic business teams, Joanne is uniquely qualified to lead the organization,” said John Powers, Alliance Board President and Founder. “Her talent will be a tremendous asset in catalyzing the shift to a truly… Continue

Added by Erik Keith on January 15, 2009 at 1:44pm — No Comments

screen brightness isuue - HELP

I've got an Insprion 700m. Very happy with this one. Hard Drive just burned out though. I just got a new one and now the screen brightness cuts in half when I go to battery power, leading to a bent neck from leaing in all the time to see what the heck is on my screen.. Anyone got step by step instuctions to re-set the level?

Added by Ian Jarvis on January 15, 2009 at 7:31am — No Comments

Troubadour Bookstore sponsors Danse Etoile Ballet next performance March 6, 7 and 8 2009 Dairy Center for the Arts, Boulder

Professional dancers Rebekah Arth and Kammie Deuschle and professional musicians and composers John Heins and Dechen Awk join the lively Danse Etoile company for a performance of live music and dance with something for everyone. The show will open with the classical Pas des Odalisques from Le Corsaire ballet, followed by 3 world-premiere contemporary pieces The Black Eagle, La Valse d’Amelie and A Place to be Together performed with live music. The… Continue

Added by Danse Etoile Ballet on January 13, 2009 at 9:17am — No Comments

Full Moonset and AlpenGlow on the Colorado Rockies ...

2009_01_11 moonset 4

I went out this weekend to reshoot the full moonset over the Colorado Rockies. Unfortunately, some clouds obscured things a bit, but provided some wild AlpenGlow (reflected sunlight just before sunrise) on the mountains - the full-res versions of these images are gorgeous.

7:05AM - parked just West of 75th street on Arapahoe overlook

2009_01_11 moonset 1

7:14 AM - Valmont Power Plant, Boulder,… Continue

Added by Alek on January 12, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

“Project Working Mom…and Dads, Too!” Helps Working Parents go Back to School Through More than $2 Million in Scholarships

Ann Marie always yearned for a college degree, but she had to put her dream on hold. She is a 25-year-old mother who works to support her two-year-old and seven-year-old step-daughter, while their dad has been deployed overseas. And in addition to caring for her own family, she also serves as power of attorney for her best friend’s young daughter while both parents serve in Iraq.

“With my former husband being deployed on and off over the past two years, I’ve had to double up and be… Continue

Added by Erik Keith on January 12, 2009 at 11:16am — No Comments

The almost-best of gifts

Not sure if I'm having some latent end-of-year emotions or what, but I've been thinking lately.

Maybe this "Chicken Little" attitude isn't such a bad thing. Maybe people being creative with their money instead of buying little Johnny any and every thing he wants will come back as a blessing.

I have to admit there's very little that I need right now; materially. I have a decent home, reliable transportation, recreation opportunities, and a sampling of the latest technologies. I… Continue

Added by Forrest Hershberger on January 10, 2009 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Front Range Colorado


I'm looking for everyone that lives, visits, works or plays on the Front Range of Colorado.

I have started a new Social Network that will have mini sites within it for each City/Town on the Front Range as well as special Communities for other interest.The Communities already open are for Seniors/Boomers, Latinos and Gaming in Cloroado.

Come join us and invite your local friends.…


Added by Earlybird on January 10, 2009 at 8:54pm — No Comments

Danse Etoile Ballet offers quality ballet training with small size classes and special care to each student

Every student is unique and the classes focus on everyone of them.

Added by Danse Etoile Ballet on January 10, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Blanket drive for H.O.P.E during "Terra Nova"

What: "Terra Nova" Directed by Jennifer Gaydosh

When: January, 9, 10, 11*, 16, 17, 18*, 22, 23, & 24, 2009

Times: *Matinee at 2 PM, all other performances at 7:30 PM

Tickets: Adults $17, seniors $16, students (18 & under) $15, and $3 off per ticket of groups of 10 or more.

Box Office:303-772-5200, www.longmonttheatre.org


Where: Longmont Performing Arts Center, 513 Main Street


"In the winter of… Continue

Added by Tracy Cravens on January 5, 2009 at 3:16pm — No Comments

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