Pro Musica Colorado Chamber Orchestra performs "Mostly Mozart" Saturday, November 7, 2009, 7:30 pm at Mountain View United Methodist Church at 355 Ponca Place in Boulder with a Pre-Concert Talk at 6:30 pm.CU faculty clarinetist Daniel Silver joins Pro Musica in the sublime Clarinet Concerto by Mozart. Also on the program are Mozart's Symphony No. 27, Jennifer Higdon's Celebration Fanfare, and Musica Celestis by Aaron Kernis.
Clarinet Concerto, K. 622
Added by Shoshana Fanizza on October 29, 2009 at 11:00am —
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Longmont Theatre presents "Communicating Doors" By Alan Ayckbourn, Directed by Jackie Tisinai
In this intricate time-traveling comic thriller, Ms. Poopay Dayseer, a London Sexual Consultant from the future, stumbles into a murder plot that sends her, via a unique set of hotel doors, traveling back in time. She and two women who were murdered in 1998 and 1978 race back and forth in time trying to rewrite history and prevent their own violent ends.
Added by Tracy Cravens on October 29, 2009 at 9:51am —
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Vedicsoft is IT Consulting Company specializing in Data Integration, Business Intelligence and ERP. Services include business application development, customizing packaged applications and outsourcing. Our clients include fortune 5000 companies and mid-market companies
Added by vedicsoft on October 29, 2009 at 6:33am —
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The Monarch High School Varsity Cheerleaders brought home the first place trophy in the 5A division at the Midwest Spirit's "Battle at the Capital" on Saturday, October 24. In addition to defeating the #5 nationally ranked Grandview HS squad in the 5A division the girls also garnered the "Grand Champions" award (#1 out of all 65 squads in attendance) and the "Best Performance" award..…

Added by Wayne Minichiello on October 26, 2009 at 5:00pm —
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For Immediate Release through December 23, 2009
Contact: Joanne Kirves, Executive Director 303-678-7869
The Muse Gallery, 356 Main Street, in downtown Longmont announces Beyond the Earth Mother in the WESTend, the Holiday Gift Boutique in the Main Gallery and a special Glass Installation in the Muse front window. The Muse Gallery is a collaborative artist gallery in downtown Longmont where local artists display and sell their work. For the community, it is the…
Added by The Muse Gallery on October 23, 2009 at 3:57pm —
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Only 11% of chemicals used in personal care products in the U.S. have been assessed for human safety, and exposure to product toxins are contributing to high breast cancer rates and other health problems. As I am a 4 time cancer survivor, I am speaking at FREE event on this topic hosted by The Women's Lobby of Colorado and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. If you register online at…
Added by Representative Dianne Primavera on October 23, 2009 at 10:30am —
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My wife has a family history of breast cancer and it's struck both sides of her family. Last year my wife discovered that she also has breast cancer and she made the difficult choice to have a
prophylactic mastectomy. She didn't want to take any chances. She underwent reconstructive
diep flap surgery immediately after her mastectomy and couldn't be happier.…
Added by Chandler Myles on October 22, 2009 at 1:21pm —
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Added by Tai O'Hara on October 22, 2009 at 10:49am —
1 Comment
Please mark your calendars, Susan Frontczak will continue the series of free CU Wizards shows with /How Math Can Save Your Life!When: Saturday October 24, 2009 from 9:30 am-10:30 am
Where: The University of Colorado, Boulder - Cristol Chemistry 142
Cost: FREE!CU Wizards is held one Saturday of each month during the academic year and covers a wide range of topics. The shows feature demonstrations and experiments and are geared toward science enthusiasts and children in grades five to…
Added by CU Wizards on October 21, 2009 at 2:44pm —
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In past years, the Christmas holiday season may have been a time of great anticipation and excitement … but this year, the prospect of facing the holidays without your loved one may cause anxiety and dread.
You are not alone.
Here you can connect with support, encouragement and advice to survive the holidays.
Saturday, November 14, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon the Northwest Church of Christ will be holding a seminar entitled “Surviving the Holidays” by Griefshare. The…
Added by Rebekah SunderRaj on October 19, 2009 at 10:12am —
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Come one, come all. The elves are busy at Longmont Theatre Company getting ready for a stupendous, tremendous, fantastical Christmas celebration; and all they need is YOU! LTC is proud to announce auditions for it’s 2009 Childrens’ Christmas Show, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” This heart warming, hysterical funny and disaster filled show needs kids and lots of them. Any child/teen interested between the ages of 4 and…
Added by Tracy Cravens on October 15, 2009 at 10:00am —
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Auditions for Spoon River Anthology
The Odd Fellows Lodge, 434 Main Street, Longmont CO 80501
Saturday, October 24, 2009, or Sunday, October 25, 2009 from 11:00 am until we are finished. Acting, Singing, Dance. Auditions are cattle call - please arrive at 11:00 am. Also, complete the on-line audition request form before the audition date.
All roles available. See below for descriptions
A prepared monologue, either comic or dramatic,…
Added by Tracy Cravens on October 15, 2009 at 9:30am —
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Single family home sales are, generally, way off from last year. That said, there are price ranges where real estate sales are in fact ahead of 2008. A study done by Dagmar Alford of Options Realty shows where and is available city-by-price at Highlights include:
Boulder’s home sales in the $800,000 and $900,000 price ranges were off year-to-date September, only 14% and 5% respectively. Overall Boulder’s sales volume is down 40% from…
Added by Dana Alford on October 13, 2009 at 5:08pm —
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Iopportune helps undergraduate Students find Internships in Hyderabad, Delhi, Bangalore & pune & internship for foreign students too. Iopportune Offers internship for undergraduate students from all over India & other countries.
Internships Hyderabad
Added by iopportune on October 13, 2009 at 12:40am —
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PlayFair Toys believes that kids’ dreams come true when they have the essential skills to make them come true – and reading is one of those skills. Yet many children have no way to develop a love for the magic of reading until they reach school age. By that time it is almost too late to help them. PlayFair Toys wants to change that with a new program to put one quality book a year into the hands of each child in Boulder and surrounding communities, without cost or obligation.
Added by Marilyn Walker on October 12, 2009 at 5:58pm —
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The Longmont Chorale will present "Out of Africa' with Voices and Marimbas"
Saturday, October 17, 2009, 7:30 pm
Calvary Church - 2101 Gay St, Longmont
The Chorale will perform Africa inspired songs including Betelehemu, Jabula Jesu, O Sifuni Mungu, Freedom is Coming, and Hope for Resolution. Joining the Chorale will be the marimba band, Kutandara.
Artist Hanlie Wessels will have her paintings of african animals available before and after the performance. For a…
Added by Tracy Cravens on October 12, 2009 at 9:59am —
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Answering increasing demand for specialized treatment of severe eating disorders, Eating Recovery Center (, a behavioral hospital focused on comprehensive and sustainable treatment of eating disorders, today announced that it will double its patient capacity, expanding its inpatient facilities from 12 beds to 24. Eating Recovery Center is the only treatment…
Added by Ron Zwerin on October 6, 2009 at 3:04pm —
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Rep. Primavera to be Honored by Brain Injury Association
35 Years of Work in the Field and Advocacy at the Capitol
DENVER – State Representative Dianne Primavera (D-Broomfield) will be honored by the Brain Injury Association of Colorado (BIAC) for her contributions to the brain injury community during an awards ceremony at their Annual Conference on Thursday, October 8th, at 7:30 pm at the Marriott Denver Tech Center.“Dianne has done so much for the brain injury…
Added by Representative Dianne Primavera on October 6, 2009 at 12:00pm —
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Over 65 community leaders in northern Colorado came together this week to discuss sustainability opportunities at the latest in a series of regional roundtables by the non-profit
Alliance for Sustainable Colorado (“the Alliance”). The meeting, hosted by New Belgium Brewing Company (an Alliance sponsor), gave representatives from businesses, nonprofits, local and state government agencies…
Added by Erik Keith on October 5, 2009 at 2:17pm —
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