April 2009 Blog Posts (29)

Revisionism again, or blatant treason

I must apologize to all of the extensive make-believe audience I write to periodically.

It seems I took a Rip Van Winkle nap and woke up in a different country.

When the valley pollen took over my senses, I was in a country that was Christian. We had chaplains of Christian churches at many public events and prisons. We had a president that shared his opinion on faith, who professed his own faith in God. The reality of his faith was the real question, but nevertheless, we as a… Continue

Added by Forrest Hershberger on April 29, 2009 at 10:12pm — 1 Comment


Hello! Be sure to come to the Rec center this Friday for our Cinco de Mayo celebration. We will have a pinata and a soccer tournament so come prepared to party at the fiesta!

Added by Nite at the Rec on April 29, 2009 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Peter Pan School Play!!!!!!!!!!!

At Eisenhower Elementary School we are inviting people of all ages to come to the
production of Peter Pan. This play of course is not just your typical
school play-- it's directed by fifth graders! Natalia Howard, Wynne Royer
and Avani Singh. The play will be on Friday May 1st 5-6 o'clock. Hope
you can come!

Added by Kristen M. Royer on April 28, 2009 at 1:50pm — No Comments

Perish, The Thought - A Memorial Day Weekend Concert - David Harris, Composer

Contact: David Harris

Phone: 303-803-4682

E-mail: david@davidharrismusic.net

Friday, April 24, 2009



A Memorial Day weekend concert interpreting the meaning of death for life.

Lafayette, Colo.— “And as to you Death, it is idle to try to alarm me,” Walt Whitman exclaimed and inspired others to contemplate what death really means in regard to life.… Continue

Added by Shoshana Fanizza on April 28, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Music, Mirth and Madness - because "a Rip-Roaring Repertoire" was too hard to say!

The Longmont Chorale is having their annual fundraiser this Saturday night. Join them for a silent auction, meal and entertainment.

Music, Mirth and Madness

May 2, 2009 6:00 pm

Dinner Show/Silent Auction sponsored by the Longmont Chorale Guild

Radisson Hotel Ballroom, Longmont

$50.00 a person

Longmont Chorale's 4th annual dinner show and silent auction will consist of non-stop humor, both spoken and sung. Novelty songs from Gilbert and Sullivan, solos,… Continue

Added by Tracy Cravens on April 27, 2009 at 3:49pm — No Comments

Bicycle Maintenance Clinic

Come join us for a Bicycle Maintenance Clinic
Thursday, April 30th @ 6pm
Reservations Required. Call or email

Added by Echelon Spokes & Slopes on April 27, 2009 at 3:04pm — No Comments

The Second Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Cadillac and LaSalle Club Car Show

VFW Post 1771 at 105 West Emma Street in Lafayette Colorado will once again be hosting a free, open to the public Car Show on May 16, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. til 4:00 p.m.. Flame grilled deluxe burgers and bratwurst will be available, and music from the 50's and 60's will be provided by Brothers II Sound Systems. Bring the whole family and enjoy great vintage and classic cars in a nostalgic setting. Tents and seating on the green will be available. For questions contact the Post at 303 665-9993

Added by John Evans on April 25, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments

"Deathtrap" a surprising who'll do it!

For mystery lovers this is the show and it is the last show of the Longmont Theatre's regular season. With two more weekends there is still time to check it out.

It always amazes me that LTC can put such amazing sets together in less the 4 weeks and really it ends up being 3 weeks(ok weekends). There are some amazing volunteers in Longmont.

Ira Levin's murder comedy is about a once-successful mystery drama writer who announces that he would commit murder to get another hit on… Continue

Added by Tracy Cravens on April 24, 2009 at 9:43am — No Comments

Eating Recovery Center’s New Evening Intensive Outpatient Program Offers Resources for People Battling Anorexia or Bulimia

The launch of a new evening intensive outpatient program this month distinguishes Denver-based Eating Recovery Center (http://www.eatingrecoveryinfo.com) as the only facility in the Rocky Mountain region to provide a full spectrum of recovery options for adults with anorexia or bulimia. The new program serves two populations simultaneously, as it bridges the transition to everyday life for patients stepping down from more intensive treatment, while also building structure into the lives of… Continue

Added by Erik Keith on April 23, 2009 at 2:47pm — No Comments

"Welcome back My Friends to the Show that never ends ......" Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

Hello folks,

It's been almost long enough since my last posting that I might have forgotten how to get here. Feeling lucky, I gave it a shot.

A lot has happened since my last post. Major change is the demise of my Xeriscape/Landscape contracting company. A unpleasant event I will just have to live through, I suppose.

Getting back up on the horse that bit me, my ailing landscape company that died in 4th quarter of '08, has it's own set of problems. With my company ( Dove Gardens… Continue

Added by L. Nowak on April 23, 2009 at 2:18pm — No Comments

Students from Spain need host families!!

15 students from the country of Spain will be coming to Northglenn/Thornton area this summer for a 4-week summer

language and cultural exchange program. The program begins July 1 and ends on July 29, 2009. Students will be

involved in English language classes in the mornings and then participate in activities unique to Colorado (ie. horseback riding, Rockies game, Elitch Garden, Colorado Springs Air Force Academy, etc. etc.) They want to improve their English and need to spend time… Continue

Added by Bethany Depps on April 22, 2009 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Legacy Cheers on Grand Opening for King Sooper!

Legacy High School Cheerleaders where on hand for the grand opening of the new King Soopers Grocery Store on Wed April 15th. The new King Soopers, located on 136th and Zuni, invited the cheerleaders to come and help celebrate the opening of the biggest King Soopers store in Colorado. The girls worked up a brand new custom cheer just for this grand opening and wowed the crowd with their performance. The squad spent the reminder of the day selling… Continue

Added by Dana McNulty on April 21, 2009 at 9:29pm — 1 Comment

LiveWell Colorado Names Maren Stewart as CEO

LiveWell Colorado, a non-profit committed to reducing obesity by providing every Coloradoan with access to healthy foods and opportunities for physical activity, today announced that it has named Maren Stewart, JD, APR as its first president and chief executive officer. Ms. Stewart is responsible for leading the strategic direction and operational efforts of LiveWell Colorado and will report to the organization’s Board of Directors.

LiveWell Colorado, which has been funding local… Continue

Added by Erik Keith on April 20, 2009 at 3:38pm — No Comments


Finally, help arrives to separate “green” myth from fact with the help of Seventh Generation and the Fine Living Network. On April 22 - earth day 2009 - join environmental activist, advocate and Seventh Generation President Jeffrey Hollender as he separates myth from reality when it comes to the conventional wisdom of green living. “Big Green Lies” airs at 9PM ET/PT, on Fine Living Network.

While many people have adopted small, easy habits to make their lives a little more… Continue

Added by Erik Keith on April 20, 2009 at 11:41am — No Comments

Martinez International Helps Green U.S. Mission in Geneva, Switzerland

Martinez International Corp., a leading government contractor in the international market, today announced its participation in a project that helps the United States Mission in Geneva expand its legacy as the U.S. State Department’s greenest diplomatic building.

Martinez International led construction and installation of an innovative chiller system based on magnetic levitation technology that promises to cut costs and reduce carbon emissions at the U.S. Mission. The system will be… Continue

Added by Erik Keith on April 20, 2009 at 8:57am — No Comments

Geneos Wealth Management to Provide Technology Platform for Leading Broker/Dealer

Gentech LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Denver-based Geneos Wealth Management, Inc. providing technology solutions to the financial and medical services fields, today announced an agreement to provide its industry-leading Nexus technology platform to Kaiser and Company, a broker/dealer headquartered in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

The current version of the Gentech Web-based application automates many of the tasks associated with an independent financial advisor’s business, including account… Continue

Added by Erik Keith on April 20, 2009 at 8:54am — No Comments

Backwards Nite, oops I mean... etiN sdrakcaB


Thank you to all 48 of you that braved the weather to come to Nites last Friday, we enjoyed seeing you.

Please note that this Friday, April 24th will be a 3-5th grade only night. Make sure you wear your clothes backwards, walk and talk backwards, dance backwards, play games backwards and do everything backwards!!

Added by Nite at the Rec on April 19, 2009 at 4:54pm — No Comments

I'm So Full I'm Empty

Where do young people find guidance and inner quiet to figure out who they are and what goals to set?

Students today struggle with the overload of impressions, dizzying schedules, persuasive advertising, inappropriate role modeling of superstars and sports figures and stressed households.

The challenge of confronting these pressures creates an imbalance and breaks down the resilience pre-teen/adolescents need to find their way through this difficult developmental stage… Continue

Added by Cathy Ritter on April 14, 2009 at 4:05pm — No Comments

Truth and fantasy

So the latest issue to pop up on the airwaves makes it even clearer that the Bush Administration has left the building. There is a video making its way through cyberspace with President Obama making it abundantly clear that get darker just before they go completely black.

The video, apparently edited from an interview, has Obama saying electricty will go up. The cost of heat, operating appliances, doing business, even the cost of "green" all-electric automobiles, the famous and happy… Continue

Added by Forrest Hershberger on April 13, 2009 at 9:46pm — No Comments

Hear ye, hear ye

There are only 4 nights left for the 09 season of Nite at the Rec so be sure to come this week to Renaissance Nite! We will have crowns for the best dressed, new prizes, football tournament and a bounce castle. Seeth ye there!

Added by Nite at the Rec on April 13, 2009 at 7:34pm — No Comments

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